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December 2010
December 21, 2010

Paul Richards, David Getman, Holly Palmgren, Tom Lynch, David Caporello, John Vieira from the PCC were in attendance.

Paul Richards called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

The minutes for the November 16, 2010 meeting were read and accepted with minor changes.


A Request for a Determination of Applicability was filed by Paul Xavier Johnson for Map 3, Lot 14, Parcel # 6  Parker Place, Princeton for landscape water feature 20’X10’X2’ deep. A Negative Determination – Category 3 was issued.  $32.00 advertising fee is due.

Larry Greene from the Road Advisory Commission discussed with the PCC about the reclamation of Hubbardston Road from the RR Tracks to the Hubbardston Town Line.  Larry Greene attended the PCC meeting and the Engineers are working on the plans for Hubbardston Road as well as for work on Mirick Road.  Projects for 2011 will be:
  • Repave Hubbardston Road from the RR tracks to the Hubbardston Town Line.
  • A section of Worcester Road
  • Route 31 Beaman Road to Mirick Road the Town will apply for Federal Money for this project.
PCC received a letter from John O. Mirick regarding Watershed Protection Act, Variance Decision WA 2004-091 Mirick Road, Princeton.

Kale Kalloch-Getman will e-mail the PCC about a seminar regarding the Green Initiative.

Paul Richards term is expiring – Holly Palmgren will be taking the Chair position for the year 2011.  Holly accepted the gravel and the Chair position for the year 2011.